{# This Template is for the 'Pages' (abridge/content/pages) eg: example.com/about/ example.com/privacy/ This Template can also be used as a home page for the index, eg: example.com/ Some people prefer a landing page for the index, and then use a separate paginated page for their blog. #} {% extends "base.html" %} {%- block seo %} {{- super() }} {%- set title_addition = "" %} {%- if page.title and config.title %} {%- set title = page.title %} {%- set title_addition = title_separator ~ config.title %} {%- elif section.title and config.title %} {%- set title = section.title %} {%- set title_addition = title_separator ~ config.title %} {%- elif page.title %} {%- set title = page.title %} {%- elif section.title %} {%- set title = section.title %} {%- else %} {%- set title = config.title %} {%- endif %} {%- if page.description %} {%- set description = page.description %} {%- elif section.description %} {%- set description = section.description %} {%- else %} {%- set description = config.description %} {%- endif %} {{- macros_seo::seo(config=config, title=title, title_addition=title_addition, description=description) }} {%- endblock seo %} {%- block content %}
{%- if page.content %} {{ page.content | safe }} {%- elif section.content %} {{ section.content | safe }} {%- endif %}
{%- endblock content %}