{% extends "base.html" %} {%- set uglyurls = config.extra.uglyurls | default(value=false) -%} {%- if config.extra.offline %}{% set uglyurls = true %}{% endif %} {%- block seo %} {{ super() }} {%- set title = "404 Page not found" %} {%- if config.title %} {%- set title_addition = title_separator ~ config.title %} {%- else %} {%- set title_addition = "" %} {%- endif %} {%- set description = config.description %} {{- macros_seo::seo(config=config, title=title, title_addition=title_addition, description=description, is_404=true) }} {%- endblock seo %} {%- block content %}

404 :(

{#- Default English message #}

Page not found, maybe moved{% if config.languages | length > 1 %} or not in this language{% endif %}. {% if config.build_search_index %}Try searching or {% endif %}go to homepage.

{# Iterate through each language and display the localised 404 message #} {%- for lcode, language in config.languages -%} {%- if lcode != config.default_language -%} {%- set i18n_404 = load_data(path="i18n/" ~ lcode ~ '.toml', required=false) -%} {%- if not i18n_404 -%}{%- set i18n_404 = load_data(path="themes/abridge/i18n/" ~ lcode ~ ".toml", required=false) -%}{%- endif %}

{{ macros::translate(key="404_not_found", default="404_not_found", i18n=i18n_404) }}{{ macros::translate(key="full_stop", default=".", i18n=i18n_404) }} {% if config.build_search_index %}{{ macros::translate(key="404_try_search", default="Try searching or", i18n=i18n_404) }}{% endif %} {{ macros::translate(key="404_go_home", default="go to homepage", i18n=i18n_404) }}{{ macros::translate(key="full_stop", default=".", i18n=i18n_404) }}

{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endblock content %}