+++ title = "Abridge Zola Theme" description = "Abridge is a fast and lightweight Zola theme using semantic html, abridge.css class-light CSS, and No Mandatory JS." date = 2022-05-17 updated = 2023-07-21 draft = false [taxonomies] tags = ["Features","Config"] [extra] toc = true series = "Features" +++ A fast, lightweight, and modern [Zola](https://getzola.org) theme utilizing [abridge.css](https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge.css) (a class-light semantic HTML CSS Framework). Perfect [Lighthouse](https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=abridge.netlify.app), [YellowLabTools](https://yellowlab.tools/), and [Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/abridge.netlify.app) scores. Here is a [Zola Themes Benchmarks](https://github.com/Jieiku/zola-themes-benchmarks/blob/main/README.md) Page. ![lighthouse](lighthouse.png) ## Features - [X] Perfect [Lighthouse](https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=abridge.netlify.app), [YellowLabTools](https://yellowlab.tools/), and [Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/abridge.netlify.app) scores. - [X] [PWA support](#pwa-progressive-web-app) (Progressive Web Application). - [X] All JavaScript can be [fully disabled](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-abridge/#javascript-files). - [X] Dark, Light, Auto, and Switcher themes. (colors can be customized, css variables) - [X] Code [syntax highlighting](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-code-blocks/). (colors can be customized, css variables) - [X] Numbered code blocks with [line highlighting](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-code-blocks/#toml). - [X] Entirely Offline Site by using the PWA **or** by setting `offline = true` in `config.toml` (full search support). - [X] Multi-language support. - [X] Search support. (elasticlunr, tinysearch, stork) - [X] Search Suggestions navigation keys, `/` focus, `arrow` move, `enter` select, `escape` close. - [X] Search Results Page, type search query then hit `Enter Key` or `click` the search button icon. - [X] [SEO](#seo-and-header-tags) support. (Search Engine Optimization) - [X] [Pagination](#pagination) with numbered paginator on index. - [X] Title Based Previous and Next Article links at bottom of Article. - [X] Table of Contents in page Index (Optional, clickable links) - [X] Recent Posts Block. (Optional) - [X] Back to Top button. (uses css only) - [X] Code Blocks copy button. - [X] Email link in footer obfuscation. (anti-spam) - [X] [KaTeX](https://katex.org/) support. - [X] [Archive page](https://abridge.netlify.app/archive/). - [x] [Tags](https://abridge.netlify.app/tags/). - [x] Categories. (similar to Tags, disabled/commented out by default) - [x] Social icon links in footer. - [X] Responsive design. (mobile first) - [X] Video Shortcodes: [Youtube](https://abridge.netlify.app/video-streaming-sites/overview-embed-youtube/), [Vimeo](https://abridge.netlify.app/video-streaming-sites/overview-embed-vimeo/), [Streamable](https://abridge.netlify.app/video-streaming-sites/overview-embed-streamable/). - [X] Media Shortcodes: [video](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-rich-content/#video), [img](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-images/#img-shortcode), [imgswap](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-images/#imgswap-shortcode), [image](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-rich-content/#image), [gif](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-rich-content/#gif), [audio](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-rich-content/#audio). - [X] Other Shortcodes: [showdata](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-showdata/), [katex](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-math/#usage-1). ## Quick Start This theme requires version {{ showdata(src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jieiku/abridge/master/theme.toml" key="min_version" type="toml") }} or later of [Zola](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/getting-started/installation/) ```bash git clone https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.git cd abridge zola serve # open in the browser ``` ## Installation The Quick Start shows how to run the theme directly. Next we will use abridge as a theme to a NEW site. ### 1: Create a new zola site ```bash yes "" | zola init mysite cd mysite ``` ### 2: Install Abridge Add the theme as a git submodule: ```bash git init # if your project is a git repository already, ignore this command git submodule add https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.git themes/abridge git submodule update --init --recursive git submodule update --remote --merge ``` Or clone the theme into your themes directory: ```bash git clone https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.git themes/abridge ``` ### 3: Configuration Copy some files from the theme directory to your project's root directory: ```bash rsync themes/abridge/.gitignore .gitignore rsync themes/abridge/config.toml config.toml rsync themes/abridge/content/_index.md content/ rsync -r themes/abridge/COPY-TO-ROOT-SASS/* sass/ rsync themes/abridge/netlify.toml netlify.toml rsync themes/abridge/package_abridge.js package_abridge.js rsync themes/abridge/package.json package.json ``` - `config.toml` base configuration with all config values. - `content/_index.md` required to set pagination. - `COPY-TO-ROOT-SASS/abridge.scss` overrides to customize Abridge variables. - `netlify.toml` settings to deploy your repo with netlfiy. - `package_abridge.js` node script to: update cache files list in PWA, minify js, bundle js - `package.json` to switch between nosearch, elasticlunr, tinysearch, stork. Uncomment the theme line in your project's root config.toml: ```bash sed -i 's/^#theme = "abridge"/theme = "abridge"/' config.toml ``` ### 4: Add new content Copy the content from the theme directory to your project or make a new post: ```bash rsync -r themes/abridge/content . ``` ### 5: Run the project Just run `zola serve` in the root path of the project: ```bash zola serve ``` Zola will start the dev web server, accessible by default at ``. Saved changes will live reload in the browser. (press `ctrl+f5`, or while developing set `pwa=false` in `config.toml`) ## Pagination You can set the number of home page items by editing `content\_index.md` file and adjusting `paginate_by` ## Sass Overrides Abridge SASS variables can be overrided by editing `sass\abridge.scss` file in your project's root sass folder. ### Page Width ```scss $mw:75%,// max-width ``` ### Abridge Theme Modes ```scss $abridgeMode: "switcher",//valid values: switcher, auto, dark, light ``` - switcher: automatically displays a dark or light version depending on browser/OS settings, and has a javascript user clickable theme switcher. - auto: automatically displays a dark or light version depending on browser/OS settings. - dark: is the dark theme always. - light: is the light theme always. ### Colors and Styles You can specify which color template you want to use as a base: ```scss $color: "orange",// color template to use/override: orange, blue, blueshade ``` Then override individual colors as needed: ```scss /// Dark Colors $f1d: #ccc,// Font Color Primary $f2d: #ddd,// Font Color Headers $c1d: #111,// Background Color Primary $c2d: #222,// Background Color Secondary ... ``` ### Footer Social Icons You should configure which social icons you plan to use. (makes the css file size smaller) To simply turn them all off you can set `$enable-icons: false` (disables ALL icons, navigation, search, etc.) Otherwise enable only the icons you need, eg for mail you would set `$icon-mail: true` You should then disable all the other icons that you do not use. ### Theme for noscript visits If you have abridge configured to use the switcher mode instead of auto/dark/light, then your site will have a button that allows the visitor to toggle the theme. If your visitor uses noscript or some other javascript blocking browser addon, then they will be stuck with whatever the configured default theme is for the switcher mode. To adjust this mode you would set the following two config values in `abridge.scss` **AND** `config.toml`: ```scss $switcherDefault: "dark",// default nojs switcher mode: dark, light (make sure to also set js_switcher_default in config.toml) ``` ```toml js_switcher_default = "dark" # default nojs switcher mode: dark, light (make sure to also set $switcherDefault in abridge.scss) ``` By default abridge uses dark mode for the switcher, so unless you want to set the default mode to light for nojs/noscript visitors, then you do not need to worry about these settings. ## Config.toml Configuration Most Options in `config.toml` are self documenting. (obvious between name of config value and comments) Abridge will work with a barebones `config.toml` because default values are provided in the template files. I recommend copying the entire config.toml file as outlined in Step 3 as it provides all configurable values. ### Top and Footer menus Set a field in `extra` with a key of `menu` and `menu_footer`. If you want the link to open in a new tab/browser then set `blank = true`. size: s150, s140, s130, s120, s110, s95, s90, s85, s80, s75, s70, false(full size) If a link should have a trailing slash at the end of the url set `slash = true`. (generally all links should have a trailing slash unless its a file link such as `sitemap.xml`) ```toml menu = [ {url = "about", name = "About", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"}, {url = "posts", name = "Posts", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"}, {url = "categories", name = "Categories", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"}, {url = "tags", name = "Tags", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"}, ] menu_footer = [ {url = "about", name = "About", slash = true, blank = false}, {url = "contact", name = "Contact", slash = true, blank = false}, {url = "privacy", name = "Privacy", slash = true, blank = false}, {url = "sitemap.xml", name = "Sitemap", slash = false, blank = true}, ] ``` ### SEO and Header Tags You can review the SEO tags in the seo macro located at `templates/macros/seo.html`, all configurable values should be in `config.toml` under `config.extra` or in the content markdown files. In your post markdown file you should set a title less than 60 characters and a description between 80 and 160 characters in length. The description is what is displayed in search results below the page title. Anywhere that you do not set a page description, the primary site config.description will be used instead. You should also set page specific keywords unless your keywords defined in config.toml suffice, any keywords that you add to the page are in addition to the ones defined in config.toml, so do not add those same keywords to your page keywords. You can optionally also set a page specific image for search results by using page.extra.thumbnail. Facebook, Twitter, and OpenGraph Cards are supported (automatic image & description for posted links). OpenGraph recommends 1200 x 630 (1.9:1). Twitter recommends 2:1 for large and 1:1 for small. If you do not set a page specific thumbnail then the banner defined in config.toml will be used instead. Refer to [overview-images](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jieiku/abridge/master/content/overview-images/index.md) for an example: ```md +++ title = "Image Shortcodes" description = "Images can be embedded directly using markdown `![Ferris](ferris.svg)`, but using a shortcode prevents CLS by explicitly setting the width and height." date = 2021-05-19 draft = false [taxonomies] tags = ["Features","Shortcodes","Images"] [extra] toc = true keywords = "Image, Markdown, Shortcodes, Swap" thumbnail = "ferris-gesture.png" +++ ``` ### KaTeX Math Notation KaTeX can be used to display complex mathematics, it is a "Fast math typesetting for the web." You can see a demo on [this page](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-math/). For better performance I recommend only enabling math on a [per page bases in your post.md files](https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/content/overview-math.md?plain=1#L11-L13), instead of in your main config.toml file. ### PWA, Progressive Web App Abridge theme has PWA support. You can install the entire site as an app and have it work offline. To try it out simply use google chrome or your phone and go here: [abridge.netlify.app](https://abridge.netlify.app/) If using Chrome on desktop then look at the end of the address bar for the install button. On Android you should get a popup to install, you can also install from the 3 dot menu in the top right corner. Once you have the PWA installed, you can go completely offline and you will still be able to browse or search the site! There is an npm script to generate the file cache list and minification `npm run abridge`. My [netlify.toml](https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/netlify.toml) file automatically runs this npm script during site deployment, so everything is automatic. If Zola was able to template a js file then it might be possible to generate the list of cache files dynamically at build instead of relying on node/npm. To use a specific list of files instead of all files edit the `pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES` entry in `config.toml`. If even a single file in the cache list is missing then it wont pre cache the list, so it will only cache as you browse. (If just initially setting up, test with only a couple pages.) The PWA feature is also easy to disable by simply setting `pwa = false` in `config.toml` ## Performance Optimization ### Javascript files All javascript can be disabled in `config.toml`: ```toml build_search_index = false js_bundle = false js_copycode = false js_email_encode = false js_prestyle = false js_switcher = false pwa = false ``` These are the javascript files used by Abridge: - search_index.en.js: search index generated by zola at each build for elasticlunr. - elasticlunr.min.js: search library for client side searching. - search.js: to make use of elasticlunr from our sites search box for both suggestions and the results page. - email.js: uses javascript to obfuscate your real email address for the mail icon at the bottom of the page. - codecopy.js: add a Copy Button to code blocks, to copy contents of the code block to clipboard. - theme.js: tiny script to facilitate local storage for the theme switcher. (never bundle, always separate) - theme_button.js: tiny script for the theme switcher function when you click the theme switch button. - prestyle.js: Used to preload css files `