+++ title = "Showdata Shortcode" description = "A brief description of a custom Shortcode for Zola that implements loading and displaying external data." date = 2021-05-04 draft = false [taxonomies] tags = ["Features","Data","Shortcodes"] [extra] keywords = "Data, Load, External, Shortcodes" toc = true series = "Features" +++ The `showdata` shortcode can load and display data from an external source via Zola's [load_data()](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/templates/overview/#load-data) function. These are the parameters, currently all 3 are required. - `src` path or url to file (if url, must include the http(s):// prefix). - `type` the type of file to load. ([supported types](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/templates/overview/#load-data)) - `key` the field in the data that you want to display. ### Usage This theme requires version {{ showdata(src="../theme.toml" type="toml" key="min_version") }} or later of Zola. ### Output This theme requires version {{ showdata(src="../theme.toml" type="toml" key="min_version") }} or later of Zola.