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2024-07-01 15:20:09 +02:00
This Template Shows a paginated page of the Posts of a section with a short summary.
This Template can also be used directly for the index eg: or as the rendering template for Sections, eg:
{%- extends "base.html" %}
{%- set uglyurls = config.extra.uglyurls | default(value=false) -%}
{%- if config.extra.offline %}{% set uglyurls = true %}{% endif %}
{%- block seo %}
{{- super() }}
{%- if config.title %}
{%- set title = config.title %}
{%- else %}
{%- set title = "" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if config.extra.title_addition and title %}
{%- set title_addition = title_separator ~ config.extra.title_addition %}
{%- elif config.extra.title_addition %}
{%- set title_addition = config.extra.title_addition %}
{%- else %}
{%- set title_addition = "" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set description = config.description %}
{{- macros_seo::seo(config=config, title=title, title_addition=title_addition, description=description, is_home=true) }}
{%- endblock seo %}
{%- block content %}
{%- for page in paginator.pages %}
{{- macros::title_index(page=page, config=config) }}
{%- if config.extra.meta_index.position %}
{%- if config.extra.meta_index.position == "top" or config.extra.meta_index.position == "both" %}
{{- macros::meta_index(page=page, config=config) }}
{%- endif %}{%- endif %}
<div class="sum">
{%- if page.summary %}
{{ page.summary | markdown(inline=true) | safe }}
{%- elif page.description %}
{{ page.description | safe }}
{%- elif page.content %}
{{ page.content | striptags | truncate(length=150) | safe }}
{%- elif page.extra.static_thumbnail %}
{%- endif %}
<a href="{{ page.permalink | safe }}{%- if uglyurls %}index.html{%- endif %}">...more</a>
{%- if config.extra.meta_index.position %}
{%- if config.extra.meta_index.position == "bottom" or config.extra.meta_index.position == "both" %}
{{- macros::meta_index(page=page, config=config) }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{{- macros::pagination(paginator=paginator, config=config) }}
{%- if config.extra.recent | default(value=true) %}
{#- The following line is checking if the template is being used for the root or a section #}
{%- if current_path is matching("^(/[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?(/page/[[:digit:]]+)?/$") %}
{%- set sec = "" %}
{%- else %}
{%- if lang == config.default_language %}
{%- set sec = current_path | trim_start_matches(pat="/") | split(pat="/page/") | slice(end=1) | join(sep="") | trim_end_matches(pat="/") %}
{%- set sec = sec ~ "/" %}
{%- else %}
{%- set sec = current_path | trim_start_matches(pat="/" ~ lang ~ "/") | split(pat="/page/") | slice(end=1) | join(sep="") | trim_end_matches(pat="/") %}
{%- set sec = sec ~ "/" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if lang == config.default_language %}
{%- set section_item = get_section(path=sec ~ "") %}
{%- else %}
{%- set section_item = get_section(path=sec ~ "_index." ~ lang ~ ".md") %}
{%- endif %}
<div class="sblock">
<div class="blockdiv sticky">
<span class="b s150">{{ macros::translate(key="Recent", default="Recent", i18n=i18n) }}</span>
{%- set recent_items=config.extra.recent_items | default(value=9) -%}
{%- for page in section_item.pages | slice(end=recent_items) %}
{{- macros::page_listing(page=page, config=config) }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endblock content %}