Update 'Backing up stuff in Google Cloud Storage'

parent 103944e892
commit 41b01bdc23

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Once you have a subscription, these are the steps:
1. Create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage
2. Create a service account in IAM & Admin of the subscription
3. When creating the account, there's an option to add a role. This role has to be "Storage object creator". If that has ever to be edited, it has to be edited in the initial IAM page, together with the other principals.
3. When creating the account, there's an option to add a role. This role has to be "Storage object Admin". If that has ever to be edited, it has to be edited in the initial IAM page, together with the other principals.
4. Create a json file for the key of that service account, in the specific menu for service accounts, where the account was created.
5. Install the google cloud SDK
6. Authenticate the google cloud command with the service principal (`gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=[KEY_FILE]
