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238 lines
9.6 KiB

mod io;
mod schema;
mod sql;
use clap::{arg, command, ArgAction, Command};
use polars_lazy::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let matches = command!()
.about("Read csv, output arrow stream")
.arg(arg!([path] "Path to CSV file"))
.arg(arg!(-d --delimiter <String> "Column delimiter. Assume ,").required(false))
arg!(-i --stdin ... "Read from stdin")
.arg(arg!(-q --query <String> "Execute query on the file").required(false))
arg!(-s --summary ... "Summarize the data")
arg!(-t --text ... "Output text instead of binary")
.arg(arg!(-P --parquet <String> "Write output as a parquet file").required(false))
arg!(-a --head ... "Print the header of the table")
.about("Several table schema related utilities")
.arg(arg!(-n --name <String> "Table name").required(false))
.arg(arg!(-l --strlen <String> "Default length for string columns").required(false))
arg!(-s --summary ... "Summarize the schema")
arg!(-p --postgresql ... "Create a postgresql table with schema")
.about("Runs a sql statement on the file")
.arg(arg!(-d --delimiter <String> "Column delimiter. Assume ,").required(false))
.arg(arg!([statement] "SQL statement"))
arg!(-t --text ... "Input text instead of binary")
.arg(arg!(-d --delimiter <String> "Column delimiter").required(false)),
.about("Pretty prints the table")
.arg(arg!(-d --delimiter <String> "Column delimiter. Assume ,").required(false))
arg!(-t --text ... "Inputs csv instead of binary")
.about("Read parquet file")
.arg(arg!([path] "Path to the parquet file"))
.arg(arg!(-q --query <String> "Execute query on the file").required(false))
arg!(-s --summary ... "Summarize the data")
arg!(-i --stdin ... "Read from stdin instead than from a file")
arg!(-t --text ... "Output text instead of binary")
arg!(-P --parquet <String> "Write the result as a parquet file")
arg!(-a --head ... "Print the header of the table")
.about("Write to a paquet file")
.arg(arg!(-d --delimiter <String> "Column delimiter. Assume ,").required(false))
arg!(-t --text ... "Input text instead of binary")
.arg(arg!([path] "Path to the new parquet file")),
if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("csv") {
let delimiter = match _matches.get_one::<String>("delimiter") {
Some(delimiter) => delimiter.as_bytes()[0],
None => b',',
let mut ldf = if _matches.get_flag("stdin") {
} else {
let path = _matches
.expect("Please, provide a file");
io::read_csv(path.to_string(), delimiter)
if let Some(query) = _matches.get_one::<String>("query") {
ldf = sql::execute(ldf, query);
if _matches.get_flag("summary") {
let df = ldf.collect().expect("Could not collect");
println!("{}", df.describe(None));
} else if _matches.get_flag("head") {
let df = ldf.fetch(5).expect("Could not fetch");
println!("{}", df)
} else {
if _matches.get_flag("text") {
} else {
if let Some(path) = _matches.get_one::<String>("parquet") {
io::write_parquet(ldf, path.to_string());
} else {
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("sql") {
let delimiter = match _matches.get_one::<String>("delimiter") {
Some(delimiter) => delimiter.as_bytes()[0],
None => b',',
if let Some(statement) = _matches.get_one::<String>("statement") {
let ldf = if _matches.get_flag("text") {
} else {
let res = sql::execute(ldf, statement);
} else {
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("print") {
let delimiter = match _matches.get_one::<String>("delimiter") {
Some(delimiter) => delimiter.as_bytes()[0],
None => b',',
let df = if _matches.get_flag("text") {
} else {
println!("{}", df.collect().expect("Could not collect"));
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("rpq") {
let mut ldf = LazyFrame::default();
if _matches.get_flag("stdin") {
ldf = io::load_parquet_from_stdin();
} else if let Some(path) = _matches.get_one::<String>("path") {
ldf = io::read_parquet(path.to_string());
} else {
eprintln!("File not found or not reading from stdin")
if let Some(query) = _matches.get_one::<String>("query") {
ldf = sql::execute(ldf, query);
if _matches.get_flag("summary") {
let df = ldf.collect().expect("Could not collect");
println!("{}", df.describe(None));
} else if _matches.get_flag("head") {
let df = ldf.fetch(5).expect("Could not fetch");
println!("{}", df)
} else {
if _matches.get_flag("text") {
} else {
if let Some(path) = _matches.get_one::<String>("parquet") {
io::write_parquet(ldf, path.to_string());
} else {
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("wpq") {
let delimiter = match _matches.get_one::<String>("delimiter") {
Some(delimiter) => delimiter.as_bytes()[0],
None => b',',
if let Some(path) = _matches.get_one::<String>("path") {
let ldf = if _matches.get_flag("text") {
} else {
io::write_parquet(ldf, path.to_string());
} else {
eprintln!("Could now write to parquet");
} else if let Some(_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("schema") {
if _matches.get_flag("summary") {
} else if _matches.get_flag("postgresql") {
let name = _matches
.expect("Please provide a table name");
let strlen: u32 = match _matches.get_one::<String>("strlen") {
Some(strlen) => strlen.parse::<u32>().unwrap(),
None => 128,
schema::print_create(io::read_ipc(), name.as_str(), strlen);
} else {
println!("No command provided. Please execute dr --help")