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2 years ago
2 years ago
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2 years ago
A toolkit to process data files (csv and parquet) using the command line, inspired by [csvkit](, with blazing speed, and powered by Rust.
2 years ago
You may wonder why I'm implementing this, since there's already [xsv]( There are two reasons for that:
2 years ago
1. This what I'm implementing to learn Rust
2. The Rust data ecosystem has evolved immensely since xsv was sarted. Now we can add things like SQL commands to filter csv files, or translate results to parquet files.
## Example
$ head wine.csv
2 years ago
$ cat wine.csv | dr sql "select Wine, avg(Alcohol) from this group by Wine" | dr print
shape: (3, 2)
│ Wine ┆ Alcohol │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ f64 │
│ 3 ┆ 13.15375 │
│ 1 ┆ 13.744746 │
│ 2 ┆ 12.278732 │
## Performance
`dr` is implemented in Rust with the goal of achieving the highest possible performance. Take for instance a simple read, groupby, and aggregate operation with ~30MB of data:
$ time cat data/walmart_train.csv | ./target/release/dr sql "select Dept, avg("Weekly_Sales") from this group by Dept" | ./target/release/dr print
shape: (81, 2)
│ Dept ┆ Weekly_Sales │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ f64 │
│ 30 ┆ 4118.197208 │
│ 16 ┆ 14245.63827 │
│ 56 ┆ 3833.706211 │
│ 24 ┆ 6353.604562 │
│ ... ┆ ... │
│ 31 ┆ 2339.440287 │
│ 59 ┆ 694.463564 │
│ 27 ┆ 1583.437727 │
│ 77 ┆ 328.9618 │
real 0m0.089s
user 0m0.116s
sys 0m0.036s
Let's compare that with the followint Python script that leverages Pandas to read the data, and compute the aggregation:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(sys.stdin)
print(df.groupby("Dept", sort=False, as_index=False).Weekly_Sales.mean())
$ time cat data/walmart_train.csv | ./python/
Dept Weekly_Sales
0 1 19213.485088
1 2 43607.020113
2 3 11793.698516
3 4 25974.630238
4 5 21365.583515
.. ... ...
76 99 415.487065
77 39 11.123750
78 50 2658.897010
79 43 1.193333
80 65 45441.706224
[81 rows x 2 columns]
real 0m0.717s
user 0m0.627s
sys 0m0.282s
Note that there's roughly a 6x speedup. This considering that this operation in particular is heavily optimized in Pandas and most of the run time is spent in parsing and reading from stdin.
## Built standing on the shoulders of giants
None of this would be possible without [Polars](